Generator Financing

Not everyone can afford to just buy a whole home generator because let's face it to get it done right with the proper size generator, installation, etc, it costs all of $10,000 for a standard 2000 + sq ft average home. 

We are here to help you. There are a couple good lender options to choose from we have found for procuring generator financing that won't break the bank. If you have great credit and equity in your home getting an equity line of credit would also be a good option. If that is not an option for you try these to lending institutions. 

  1. If you have great credit and equity in your home getting an equity line of credit would also be a good option. So contact either your personal bank or other lenders for quotes on HELOCs
  2. Lightstream is a division of what was once Suntrust Bank out of Florida and their small "almost anything" lending division will offer loans with competitive rates & terms. These consumer loans can be used for boats, swimming pools, and of course generators. 
  3. Synchrony Consumer Financial - This small lender specializes in financing just about anything of value: including Generators. 


